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Die Öffnungszeiten

Mo - Sa: 7AM - 8PM


17. Schadenkongress: Vortrag Laura kukuk

Die zukunftsentscheidenden Themen in #Claims, wie auch die aktuellen Entwicklungen und #Erfolgsfaktoren im #Markt, bilden die Schwerpunkte unseres TOP-besetzten, herausragenden 17. #Schadenkongresses am 08. und 09. November 2023 in Köln. 

Guide: what is important about a car value appraisal?

Guide: What is important about a car value appraisal? Ever wondered what’s behind the magic of a car appraisal? Let’s demystify it! A value appraisal is a meticulous dive into the heart and soul of your vehicle, where history meets mechanics. We don’t just look at the car; we look through it. From the engine’s purr to the story behind each scratch, we assess, evaluate, and translate metal into money. Why? Because every car has a tale, and every tale has its worth.

Journey Interview

JOURNEY Magazin – Interview: Die große Freiheit

Beide sind auf vier Rädern unterwegs – das war’s erstmal mit den Gemeinsamkeiten. Fahrzeugtechnik Ingenieurin Laura Kukuk ist als Oldtimer-Sachverständige weltweit gefragt und ist von der Nachhaltigkeit dieser überzeugt. Daniel Zellinger von FlixBus schwört auf moderne Busse als umweltfreundlichere Alternative zum Auto. Wohin die Reise geht? Tatsächlich ans gleiche Ziel. Ein Gespräch über die Mobilität von morgen.


In the realm of classic automobile engineering, few terms resonate with as much significance as „matching numbers“. This seemingly simple concept, in reality, embodies the intricate fusion of design integrity, historical authenticity, and engineering exactitude. For enthusiasts, collectors, and engineers alike, matching numbers serve as a testament to a vehicle’s pedigree and provenance.

Christophorus: Oldtimer Detektivin

At just 30 years of age, she’s a member of the jury of the prestigious Concorso d’Eleganza competition, and her expertise in classic cars is in high demand the world over. Engineer Laura Kukuk marches to the beat of her own drum in the traditional automotive scene.


Guide: 5 TIPS HOW TO MAXIMIZE YOUR CARS VALUE. In the intricate symphony of engineering and design that defines the world of automobiles, ensuring that your prized possession retains (or even appreciates in) its value is a task that calls for diligence, expertise, and a discerning eye. With decades of engineering and restoration experience, Ingenieurbüro Kukuk elucidates five pivotal strategies to augment the value of your automobile.

Kukuk's Petrol House
