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Originality examination of body and frame, verification of restoration / repair quality and damage assessment

Vehicle body scan using Zeiss T-Scan LV hand-held scanner
  • Originality testing by means of ACompared to original photos and existing body, frame ...
  • Mobile use at any time and anywhere in the world
  • Dimensioning, restoration support, 3D model for production of frame model / spare parts, etc.
  • We have been using 3D scanners, 3D X-rays and 3D models regularly since 2005!

In addition to the purely objective, visual assessment of the vehicle, a three-dimensional recording of bodies and frames can help to answer certain questions, particularly with regard to authenticity, restoration assessment, freedom from damage and originality.

For this purpose, the body or frame is scanned three-dimensionally using a 3D scanner. The result of such a scan is a point cloud of measurement points, which is converted into a three-dimensional model of the vehicle using software and rework. This 3D model serves as the basis for measurements and comparisons with manufacturer specifications. In addition, it is possible to record torsion or compression of a body or frame and to plan and carry out possible repair measures based on this.

3D scanners are used that use the active triangulation method and achieve a measuring accuracy of up to 0.01 mm. A 3D scan can be helpful in the area of technical examinations and value appraisals as well as damage appraisals.

Possible areas of application:

  • Checking the dimensional accuracy of a body or frame after restoration
  • Comparison of the results with the manufacturer's specifications
  • Checking the body and frame for torsion and/or compression after an accident
  • Reverse engineering process of spare parts that no longer exist but are needed

To check the authenticity, a comparison with the manufacturer's specifications is necessary. These are often lost in the case of unique pieces and particularly rare vehicles. A solution for this was also found in the past and is now regularly used.

Application examples

Restoration Quality Review

Centre axis vehicle View Z+
Shape deviation side left to left BEST-FIT
Centre axle vehicle
Shape deviation side right to left BEST-FIT

Originality investigation

To check the authenticity of a vehicle, it is possible to compare a previously created 3D model with historical photographs. For this purpose, a 3D grid structure is placed on historical photographs using photogrammetric methods. Based on this comparison, the previously scanned car body can be checked for authenticity and originality.

Using original pictures of a BMW 328 MM, a 3D model was created. This served not only as a basis for comparison with original negatives / photographs from the period (authentication of the vehicle), but also for the creation of a frame model which was milled from wood. This frame model was needed for the accurate and professional restoration.

Body scan data comparison with...
... original photos

We cooperate with the Zeiss Company and set the T-Scan LV handheld scanner, which works with the one-dimensional light-sectioning method, is often used. The scanner was positioned using the T-Track LV system, which works camera-based.

Kukuk's Petrol House