
+ 49 (0) 2206 95 900


Opening Hours

Mon - Sat: 7AM - 8PM

Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Kukuk

Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Kukuk was publicly appointed and sworn in by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for the subject area "classic cars". He is subject to the provisions of the Expert Regulation of the Cologne Chamber of Industry and Commerce. These can be found at can be viewed.

Publicly appointed and sworn experts are active in accordance with § 36 GewO.

Since 2011

Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Kukuk is the first publicly appointed and sworn expert for classic cars in Germany.


Klaus Kukuk obtains his academic degree as Dipl.-Ing. from the Cologne University of Applied Sciences.

Minimum requirements for expert reports and other reports issued by the chambers of commerce and industry

Newspaper clipping from 11.10.2011

List of experts publicly appointed and sworn expert in the field of classic cars

Kukuk's Petrol House