Federal Court of Justice Press release --------------------------- No. 77/2010 Effective clause on liquidated damages in a car purchase agreement The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) today declared a contractual clause in a car purchase agreement to be effective, by which the vehicle dealer's claim for damages in the event of non-acceptance of the vehicle is limited to ten per cent of the purchase price, but the buyer is reserved the right to claim a lump sum ...
Lump-sum compensation
Drunkards remain on damage
Drunk drivers are left holding the bag: Kaiserslautern. A drink-drive can cost a motorist the protection of fully comprehensive insurance. This was decided by the Regional Court of Kaiserslautern (Ref.: 3 O 323/13). According to the court, the insurance company is entitled to refuse to settle the claim not only partially but completely if the driver was absolutely unfit to drive. The ...